A bit about me and BrewDog…

I am Neil Fletcher, and I was born in Stoke-on-Trent in 1964.
I was nearly always called ‘Fletch’ before moving to Swansea and then Aberdeen, where they seemed to prefer ‘Neil’.
Now I’m back in Englandshire, Fletch is gaining in popularity!

My personal website is www.ndfletcher.org.uk

I’ve worked in Marks & Spencer, Cefn Coed Community Project, Gray Forklifts, Andrew Leiper & Sons, Moda Furnishings and too many bars to list here.
From 2003-12, I was a Councillor on Aberdeen City Council, and a Vice-President of the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities from 2007-2012.
I also do a bit of self employed book-keeping and tax work, and am a residential Landlord. Basically, since I officially retired, I’ve never been busier 😉

I studied at Chell High School, City of Stoke-on-Trent Sixth Form College, Aberdeen University, and Aberdeen College of Commerce.

In 1992 I started courting John Stewart.  In 2005 we entered into a Civil Partnership, and converted this to marriage in December 2014.
In November 2017 we celebrated 25 years together.
John died of cancer in the spring of 2022.
My interests are Music, BrewDog (the Aberdeenshire based craft beer brewery), playing around with Computers, and Port Vale Football Club. When I’m not doing any of those, you may find me in a good old fashioned local pub.

John, my late husband & I, invested in BrewDog back in their very first crowd funding round in 2009, and were very pleased that it has become one of the fastest growing companies in the UK.
We were investors #89 (I retain that SRN) and there are now over 200,000 investors.
… BrewDog also make great beer!

John thoroughly enjoyed BrewDog and craft beer generally, and excelled in getting cheap travel deals so that we could visit the BrewDog bars Europe-wide. I miss him so very much.

Since 2018 we have traded over 190,000 shares, and have helped over 1,000 other Equity Punks to buy or sell their shares.

If you buy or sell through us, we handle all the paperwork for you, and keep you fully informed through every stage of the process.

BrewDog held a Trading Day event that closed on 01/09/2022, through Asset Match.
They have said that they will run another one in 2023.
But they don’t have to.

The price in the 2019 Trading Day settled at £15.00 per share and 138,364 were traded.
After charges, sellers received approximately £14.55.
With the current economic climate, the current out look is very challenging, but the company appears to be weathering the storm.

The settled price this time was only £6.50, with around 42,000 shares traded.
Folk should make their own minds up about why that was!
However there were only about 30 buyers, and the 30 lowest sellers kept reducing their prices to chase the only guaranteed cash.
At the start of the process, the average buying and selling price was about £16.50

Anyone thinking of investing should also consider the general economic climate, and be very aware that the values of equities can vary considerably, and no return at all is guaranteed.

BrewDog aims to list on a Stock Exchange, but when or if that becomes financially viable, is anyone’s guess.

We hold regular sale of shares on behalf of other early investors, and you can find out more from my Home Page

If you click this line, you will be taken to my page on Facebook for BrewDog Share Trading.

Clicking on the BrewDog logo below will take you to their website, where you can find out about the company first hand.